Basic Guide

Basic Guide

Product Guide

Product building from the ground up

Historical introduction

Top 5 Notion Templates for Project Management in Business

A new way to build products

In the world of modern product management building, crafting software isn’t just about having great ideas nor just execution; it’s about turning those ideas into practical solutions incrementally that meet the customer needs and deliver business impact.

This guide is designed to help you, as a product builder, understand not just the “how” but also the “why” behind key product-building principles, as well as why is important and how to integrate it into your organization.

In the world of modern product management building, crafting software isn’t just about having great ideas nor just execution; it’s about turning those ideas into practical solutions incrementally that meet the customer needs and deliver business impact.

This guide is designed to help you, as a product builder, understand not just the “how” but also the “why” behind key product-building principles, as well as why is important and how to integrate it into your organization.

In the world of modern product management building, crafting software isn’t just about having great ideas nor just execution; it’s about turning those ideas into practical solutions incrementally that meet the customer needs and deliver business impact.

This guide is designed to help you, as a product builder, understand not just the “how” but also the “why” behind key product-building principles, as well as why is important and how to integrate it into your organization.

Historical introduction

Everything starts with an idea

But turning that concept into something real—something that works for your customers and supports your business—can be a complex journey.

Product building often requires us to balance a wide range of factors, from technical feasibility to user experience, business viability, and market dynamics. And no two products are the same, which means there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, never.

The process can be especially daunting in the early stages —in zero to one context— when the uncertainty is at its peak.

Questions arise:

  • Is there a market for this product?

  • What does the customer really need?

  • Can we build it? Can we maintain it?

Addressing these uncertainties requires the input of multidisciplinary teams: business analysts, engineers, designers, marketers, and data experts among others, all working together to create something that can thrive in the market.

Historical introduction

A brief story about product

The seeds of modern product management can be traced back to the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries, which introduced production methods that could scale. By the 20th century, frameworks like the Toyota Production System (TPS) and Lean Manufacturing emerged, emphasizing efficiency and waste reduction.

It wasn’t until more recently that frameworks specifically designed for product building in the context of software development came into play:

  • Lean Startup, developed by Eric Ries, took the principles of Lean Manufacturing and applied them to product management, focusing on hypothesis-driven development and rapid iteration.

  • Agile and Scrum brought a new level of flexibility to the software development process, allowing teams to respond to changing needs and market conditions.

Historical introduction

An updated approach to product building

Today, product building is seen not just as a technical process, but as a craft—an intricate blend of strategy, creativity, and execution. That’s why it delivers results in high-performers and capture the attention of corporations as a leverage for their digital transformation.

The tools, frameworks, and methodologies we use help guide the process, but successful product building ultimately depends on the ability to navigate uncertainty, balance competing priorities, and keep the resilience needed to assist to customer’s needs at the center of everything we do.

The tools we use are important, but the way we think about product building is just as critical. Mental models are frameworks for thinking that can help us approach problems strategically and navigate uncertainty more effectively.

Here are three key mental models that every product builder should understand and inspired the design of this suite:

  • Double diamond, by UK Design Council.

  • Cone of uncertainty, by Barry Boehm.

  • Product taxonomy, by SVPG and Marty Cagan.


How to Optimize Your Product Management Workflow with Software

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The product builder is a live OS being improved and released continuously with the latest business, design, and technology knowledge domains.

Top 5 Notion Templates for Project Management in Business

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The product builder is a live OS being improved and released continuously with the latest business, design, and technology knowledge domains.

Top 5 Notion Templates for Project Management in Business

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Achieve your best product manager version with Notion product builder OS super-powers, learning by doing

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Product builder OS · made by

Achieve your best product manager version with Notion product builder OS super-powers, learning by doing

© 2024 belowtion. All rights reserved


Product builder OS · made by

Achieve your best product manager version with Notion product builder OS super-powers, learning by doing

© 2024 belowtion. All rights reserved
